Accelerating your support ecosystem: Removing waste



In todays changing IT climate, “Support” has really become a discipline and a bit of an eco-system all by itself, covering a wide variety of topics.

In this talk, Tom will focus on reducing Waste for both your end users and your support organization.

By bringing both sides together faster and reducing the effort it takes to find each other, you can increase the efficiency and the Value your support organisation brings to the table.

From his unique vantage point, Tom touches on topics like omnichannel communication, increased selfservice, dynamic FAQs, efficient staffing methods and many other aspects of modern operations.

Because in the end, it’s all about focusing on Value.

About Tom Wuyts

Head of Global Center of Excellence ServiceDesk, CTG

Tom has over 10 years of experience within CTG's support organisation.

Coming from a purely operational background, and having held various positions (Incident Manager, Teamlead, Project Manager), Tom currently heads the "Global Center of Excellence ServiceDesk". Aiming to develop our ServiceDesk & Support offerings globally, he focusses on blending technologies, expertise and partnerships.

Over the years, Tom has also stood at the cradle of the first "Delivery Center Support’ in Luxemburg and helped launch CTG’s off- shore Delivery Center in Colombia. He is always on the look out to facilitate both users and agents experience, trying to keep things simple.

Oh, and did we mention that in his spare time he's a passionate brewer?