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Efficiency Transformed

Impact Mapping


Looking at the definition of Efficiency or the word “efficient”, it means “being capable of producing desired results with little or no waste of materials, time or energy.” (Merriam-Webster)

Even if we are very efficient in our way of working, the question remains to what extent it’s contributing to achieving the intended purpose or goal. In other words, how effective are we? Meaning, are we doing what we intended to do?

And should we first focus on being effective rather than being efficient?

In this workshop you will experience Impact mapping. A lightweight, collaborative technique that will allow you to make better roadmap decisions and to maximize the outcomes you set out to reach. When everyone involved in delivery understands the objectives, expected impacts and key assumptions in the same way, products and projects benefit from better focus and less waste…

About Wouter Emael

Solution Architect, Agile enthousiast and coach, CTG

For over 10 years, Wouter has been active in the software testing world, in the financial and healthcare sector. In recent years, he became passionately involved in agile methodologies. Ever since, he operated as a scrum master, agile coach and trainer


About Davy Benoot

Agile Coach, CTG

Davy is a strong believer in the power of teamwork, co-creation and learning by experience coaching Agile teams, Product Owners & Scrum Masters realizing effective customer solutions.

He gained experience and unique product development insights working at a range of organizations in consumer technology, industry, banking and insurance sectors. Davy has tons of hands-on techniques and experience to share.